Hi all,
I’ve made it happily to wrightwood! I had a good hitch in, and am in the process of resupplying!
I’m @ mile 375- I’ll be in Acton in a few days- Mike and Maria brought new shoes to me in big bear, which was a happy event
Frequently asked questions:
Q: are you a hobbit?
A: maybe. I’ve started eating my 7 Hobbit meals each day. Usually every 4 miles I take a break, eat 400-800 calories, do some mediocre yoga, and then continue onward
Q: are your feet dead
A: not yet, despite my best efforts
Q: can anyone complete the PCT in good health?
A: according to many, maybe not?
Q: why doesn’t it look like you’ve been progressing north?
A: the PCT is a silly trail made for horses. The past 3 days I’ve been pushing 28 mile days and have progressed west toward LA. Just remember that equine can do it!
Q: what about the desert?
A: fuck. Gonna rush back into it pretty soon.
Q: did you go to the Hotspring?
A: Yes, it was nifty. I hope I don’t pickup a parasite.
Attached is a picture of some SoCal mountains in a sea of clouds. I hear I can shower and do laundry at the Acton KOA! More like KO-yay! Right, Liz?